كباتن هلا تاكسي

كابتن هو لقب ملائم لسائقينا الأبطال. إنهم رواد لاختيارهم استقبال وقبول طلبات حجز سيارات الأجرة عن طريق تطبيق كريم، بالإضافة إلى الوقوف للركاب في الشوارع، هم جزء من رؤيتنا ورؤية هيئة الطرق والمواصلات المستقبلية لجعل مدن دبي ورأس الخيمة أكثر تطورًا وذكاءً. يوجد لدينا أكثر من 22 ألف سائقي تاكسي في دبي ورأس الخيمة، حيث يأتون من مختلف أنحاء العالم مثل باكستان وبنغلاديش والهند ونيبال وغانا وغينيا ومصر والكاميرون والعديد من الدول الأخرى. الكباتن في فريق هلا يتميزون بتنوع كبير في ثقافاتهم وخبراتهم وخلفياتهم، مما يعزز تكوين فريق هلا الفريد. كل كابتن في فريقنا لديه خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات. يتقنون القيادة على الطرق ببراعة، ولديهم مهارة في خدمة العملاء. ويَسعَدُون بتقديم المساعدة للركاب في الوصول إلى أي مكان. بالتالي، يمكن أن تعتمد عليهم في جميع الأوقات لتقديم أفضل خدمة تاكسي. يمكنك التعرف على سائق تاكسي هلا من خلال الشعار والعلامة التجارية البيضاء والزرقاء الموجودة حول السيارة. قد تكون ألوان أسقف السيارات مختلفة؛ بسبب شراكتنا مع هيئة الطرق والمواصلات وشركات سيارات الأجرة التابعة لها: مؤسسة تاكسي دبي (DTC) (سقف أحمر)، شركة تاكسي السيارات (سقف أزرق)، شركة التاكسي الوطني (سقف أصفر)، شركة تاكسي العربية (سقف أخضر) وشركة مترو تاكسي (سقف برتقالي).

كابتن العام

Our drivers’ role in transforming Hala into the best online taxi service in Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah is not lost on us. They’re the backbone of our business, the face of our brand, and the first to greet you with a smile when you step into the car. So, every year, we pick a Hala Captain to celebrate their dedication and hard work.
اشتياق احمد
نقدم لكم هلا كابتن للعام 2023

اشتياق احمد

The Road Warrior
  • Time with Hala: Ishtiaq joined Hala in 2019 and has been with us ever since.
  • Trips logged: 12,000 completed trips
  • Customer satisfaction rating: An impressive 4.95/5!
  • Languages spoken: Urdu, English and Arabic
Off the Clock

Ishtiaq comes from Gujrat, Pakistan. He's a pillar of support for his family, taking care of not just his two sons but also his brother's and sister's families. While Dubai is buzzing with cricket fans, Ishtiaq stands out with his love for basketball. When he's not driving for Hala, you can find him playing basketball at local courts in Dubai. As for food, Ishtiaq loves a good mutton curry, a taste of his hometown. Outside of work, family and memories of Gujrat always remain close to his heart.

هلا هوم

Hala Home, located in Al Quoz, Dubai, is a centre specifically designed to support and empower Hala Captains. It houses an on-site team that offers immediate assistance to our drivers when they encounter technical problems, and helps improve their app experience.

The facility also includes a Captain University and learning hub that offers year-round training and networking sessions; over 11,000 of these sessions have already been held to welcome new Captains.

Since its inception in 2022, Hala Home has served over 213,000 captains. With daily visits averaging between 370 and 390 and an average query resolution time of 2.7 minutes, Hala Home is proving to be a great resource to our Captains and, ultimately, our riders.

مركز الدعم للكابتن

احصل على الاتجاهات
مركز الدعم للكابتن

الأسئلة المتكررة

Yes. All Hala taxi drivers in Dubai speak English.

Hala fares are metered. There is, of course, a base fare, but other factors, such as time, distance and current demand for rides in the area, can affect the overall cost of your ride. However, once you enter your trip’s destination in the Careem app, you can view the estimated fare before confirming your ride.

The following are the payment options available to Hala riders:

  • Careem wallet on the app
  • Credit or debit card on the Careem app
  • Nol RTA Cards
  • Apple Pay
  • Cash

At the end of each trip, you can rate your ride and provide feedback about your experience. You can also contact Hala customer support via the Careem app with any complaints or concerns.

If you need to report a problem with a Hala ride that you booked using the Careem app, do the following:

  1. Start the Careem app.
  2. Choose "Hala Taxi."
  3. Head to Menu and select "Your rides."
  4. Click on "History" to view your past rides.
  5. Find and click on the trip with which you had an issue.
  6. Select "Report a problem" to submit your complaint.

Yes, Hala Kids, a car type available in the Hala Dubai fleet, offers child seats with a 5-point harness and newborn cushioning, so you can travel safely with your little ones. Simply select "Hala Kids" when booking a taxi through the Careem app.

All Hala taxis in Dubai have a signature banner plus Hala’s white and blue logo is wrapped around each car. Once you book a Hala taxi via the Careem app, you can also view the vehicle information, including the car type, licence plate, and the Captain’s name and photo.